Twitter Injection / Friday The 13th / Friend From Abroad / Mark Zuckerberg

from TRUreporting



@00:20:44 don't think i don't think china russia

Human trafficking

@00:28:44 a platform for human trafficking memes


@00:28:44 a platform for human trafficking memes
@00:28:47 connecting facebook to trafficking


@00:00:36 not but i wanted to go over the twitter
@00:01:06 i'm gonna go over the twitter injection
@00:01:16 11:44 twitter down injection good so if
@00:01:27 injected twitter with that coding imo
@00:02:20 the central the twitter injection and
@00:02:56 chat or you on twitter beauty twitter
@00:04:03 about twitter but you know i asked a
@00:27:14 twitter or twice before any of that sort

false flag

@00:21:16 the chemical false flag attack assad's