False Flag Warning: DHS Reports Black Energy Malware Found In Energy Control Systems - Episode 506

from X22Report



@00:01:36 war with russia with china with north
@00:13:06 at china and they're saying to
@00:13:16 the china-led new asian infrastructure
@00:13:32 economic and trade ties with china so it
@00:13:44 ourselves and go with china and that
@00:19:03 whatever she wants now china has
@00:19:17 work on the disease in liberia china has
@00:19:35 china is setting down medical staff from
@00:20:03 in africa we know that china is on one
@00:32:12 together with china and say listen let's
@00:33:54 russia north korea china syria iran and


@00:01:39 korea with iran with syria and they're
@00:27:33 eventually go to iran and we can see
@00:33:54 russia north korea china syria iran and

false flag

@00:00:43 false flag warning dhs reports black
@00:00:56 for the main false flag event and we
@00:30:47 leading up to this main false flag event

North Korea

@00:01:36 war with russia with china with north
@00:01:39 korea with iran with syria and they're
@00:33:54 russia north korea china syria iran and