Clock Is Ticking Down, US Is Preparing The Middle East For Something Big - Episode 973b

from X22Report


false flag

@00:21:32 false flag event in turkey to kick this

North Korea

@00:09:22 korea u.s. and japan
@00:09:29 tracking down north korean missiles with
@00:09:37 is all focused on north korea right now
@00:10:04 warning for north korea telling people
@00:10:09 start to break down in north korea so it

Saudi Arabia

@00:12:47 saudi arabia invaded yemen and saudi
@00:12:50 arabia was never attacked but nobody has
@00:12:55 right now is that saudi arabia the
@00:13:15 well we've seen saudi arabia they're
@00:21:21 edge right now we know that qatar saudi
@00:21:24 arabia turkey united states they're