7.5 - Trump Revives the National Space Council & NASA Denies Running a Martian Slave Colony

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:04:09 facade much like nasa is a facade hiding
@00:06:42 up here nasa denies running a mars child
@00:10:32 what alex jones then did and nasa of
@00:10:37 this article on the daily mail a nasa
@00:10:50 story out there that nasa denied running
@00:10:56 and whatnot so nasa you know the nasa
@00:11:07 nasa
@00:11:08 here's the thing nasa can deny it
@00:11:11 because nasa is not to run what not the
@00:11:19 does so of course nasa can deny it
@00:11:40 went into aerospace corporations nasa
@00:13:58 nasa has to cover their ass right people