Top 25 Q Anon Proofs?

from JustInformed Talk ™️



@00:39:25 about andrew mccabe and his wife and it


@00:12:05 identified as the china south sea fleet
@00:12:07 right meaning that that was in china


@00:14:21 november 20th work uses cue half cue map
@00:14:31 which talks about a map trump tweet at
@00:14:34 11:20 talking about a map i don't know
@00:14:40 cue map but the columns get a little


@00:39:05 comey bill priest ab peter struck lisa
@00:39:22 you know comey about lisa and peter and
@00:45:04 comey this one's a little bit didn't put


@00:36:51 60,000 sealed indictments yeah that i
@00:36:54 mean they're sealed indictments i think
@00:37:01 indictments usually the government held


@00:29:49 if you guys happen to top this twitter
@00:29:56 out of this twitter account this potus

false flag

@00:42:21 a false flag event was a real missile

North Korea

@00:08:19 jong-un in north korea right so it was
@00:08:31 north korea and forgive me if i'm if i'm
@00:11:47 that japan trip and the trip over north
@00:11:50 korea into beijing where actually was to
@00:11:53 seoul i believe in north and south korea
@00:27:14 was shown to kim jeong-hoon in north
@00:27:17 korea is this one right here this white
@00:27:25 real estate mogul went to north korea
@00:32:31 an ons wow huge north korea will meet 45
@00:32:36 think back north korea pics gave us
@00:32:39 these north korea pics back to show us
@00:32:45 window was actually up north korea right
@00:32:52 basically somewhere in north korea or
@00:32:54 south korea or somewhere i think it was
@00:32:55 north korea though and it goes on to


@00:23:19 guys that's another proof to look at
@00:34:13 just another example of a proof of cue
@00:38:08 important part for as far as a q proof

Saudi Arabia

@00:36:04 he running in 2020 also what about saudi
@00:36:06 arabia our returning over going to
@00:36:12 prince in saudi arabia no i think
@00:36:16 with saudi arabia i mean they are one of