deleted Maga Update 3.(2-3).18 China, Russia, Censorship, Guns, Sessions, More Kids with Guns

from Dustin Nemos



@00:40:12 that in march call me and mccabe blocked


@00:34:41 allies and china pakistan china and
@00:34:48 enemies china is a problem right now
@00:34:50 guys i'm china is they're going back to
@00:34:57 china has a problem with this this
@00:37:53 emperor the mythical founder of china
@00:38:01 within china basically says we are one

Bill Gates

@00:04:33 people are in it like the bill gates
@00:04:43 eating your gmos i'm sorry so bill gates
@00:11:29 remember bill gates that's one of his


@00:40:21 the awan scandal they want brothers or
@00:40:36 imran awan i kind of dropped that laptop


@00:24:35 sessions of dereliction of duty urges
@00:24:42 should resign and jeff sessions will not
@00:25:02 to get rid of sessions and if he was
@00:25:05 trust sessions he needs to do it because

Deep state

@00:40:03 also in the deep state war that's going
@00:40:07 intelligence community and the deep
@00:40:09 state versus trump true pundit covered


@00:39:32 colton hob has his twitter account
@00:39:47 twitter account james davis the michigan
@00:39:52 a democrat his twitter is full of anti


@00:39:27 fighting survivor of the parkland school


@00:04:50 vaccines gmos and depopulation and of
@00:13:44 vaccines they have these claims safe and
@00:13:50 effective with vaccines

Seth Rich

@00:01:09 the seth rich family in his discussions
@00:01:12 with the parents of seth roach confirm

false flag

@00:39:09 talk of a potential false flag coming


@00:32:48 pedophile videos they had up all of the