-2030- The Agenda For Sustainable Development :coded:

from TRUreporting



@00:06:16 you would punish china for dumping
@00:06:22 they're busy sucking up to china but
@00:12:29 china red cross society slush fund can't
@00:18:09 company in china dr. zhao is the ceo of


@00:00:46 this is the epstein humpty-dumpty
@00:03:00 eggs this is the epstein humpty dumpty
@00:11:31 well if mark epstein is anything like
@00:11:40 mark epstein is a member of their board
@00:11:43 of directors mark epstein is also a
@00:11:52 epstein sits
@00:12:06 real estate magnate mark epstein the
@00:13:52 of jeffrey epstein aircrafts shared the
@00:14:38 epstein the new ceo jeff staley is an
@00:15:04 jeffrey epstein dropped out of cooper
@00:15:17 in this institution mark epstein later
@00:15:55 anything to do with hrc epstein all
@00:16:02 operations ran by jeffrey epstein took
@00:16:05 place under mark epstein through the


@00:13:06 trafficking in bosnia colombia and

Red Cross

@00:12:27 the red cross society of the republic of
@00:12:29 china red cross society slush fund can't

William Barr

@00:01:51 silver bullion bar and the trump 2020


@00:00:36 a read a twitter thread from the sharp
@00:19:44 my channel you can follow me on twitter