Horowitz Gives Dems Hope ... Then Drops Bombshells On FBI FISA Abuse!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:01:02 horowitz testifying with the senate and
@00:03:31 we're gonna see that horowitz cleverly
@00:04:36 this new reality that horowitz is
@00:05:27 real now horowitz is sounding like two
@00:05:38 inspector general horowitz refused
@00:05:57 and horowitz but listen carefully to how
@00:06:01 horowitz is answering her question
@00:09:28 michael horowitz now steps in today same
@00:09:36 horowitz sums up the fbi's surveillance
@00:09:48 says horowitz offered the assessment
@00:09:53 committee graham laid out horowitz his
@00:10:41 bad says horowitz so we see a different
@00:10:46 horowitz and it goes on ig shuts down
@00:10:52 so horowitz is morphing into someone
@00:11:16 here horowitz testified before the
@00:15:30 michael horowitz answering you know
@00:15:41 different michael horowitz what is
@00:16:09 horowitz into giving him the sweet
@00:16:13 horowitz says to him those fights the
@00:17:13 horowitz says yeah
@00:17:24 horowitz does not go for it could see
@00:17:25 this is the other horowitz the horowitz


@00:08:09 barr and us attorney turney john durham
@00:08:21 durham to do that


@00:10:49 james comey no one is vindicated by my
@00:11:20 question on whether comey was vindicated

William Barr

@00:05:40 attorney general barb bill barr says
@00:07:08 general barr expressed his doubt about
@00:07:16 attorney general barr provide any
@00:07:31 your investigation attorney general barr
@00:08:09 barr and us attorney turney john durham
@00:08:22 and what about attorney general bar and
@00:08:26 attorney general bar thank you

Deep state

@00:02:34 and the deep state and the mainstream
@00:06:21 didn't find a deep state conspiracy
@00:06:32 and no rationale for a deep state that
@00:08:45 it does a deep state exist and his
@00:21:47 deep state is all about unelected


@00:21:26 twitter yeah this barry burke right the
@00:23:10 join me on twitter if you're out there

Inspector General

@00:01:00 with the inspector general michael
@00:05:38 inspector general horowitz refused


@00:13:02 of investigation to go get fisa warrants
@00:13:56 the fbi goes and asked for these fisa
@00:14:07 evidence in these fisa applications and
@00:17:36 have senator graham serious doubts fisa
@00:18:08 say he has serious doubts the fisa court