#Qanon - This board in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS.

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:24:09 malware to russia and china along with


@00:27:34 connections continue to build the map
@00:27:37 now they build this thing called the map
@00:27:43 posters together in a big map and look
@00:27:49 really neat map provides the key key
@00:28:05 connections build the map keep building
@00:28:08 the map alright let's go up then there's

Deep state

@00:13:50 don't think the deep state already knows


@00:19:17 delta so the q team and the delta maybe
@00:19:41 delta alright maybe we have part of the
@00:19:45 delta force you know talking to us as
@00:20:44 full text delta stringer
@00:20:54 about the delta stringer but if you just
@00:21:45 delta stringer strap in boys if you
@00:22:17 read it it's signed again q comma delta

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@00:00:28 ruth bader ginsburg stuff and now we're
@00:08:44 image drop in the hanoi and ruth bader
@00:08:46 ginsburg operation merlyn it gives you


@00:29:47 mainstream media mockingbird john for

North Korea

@00:24:12 third firm suggesting a link to north
@00:24:14 korea and he's retweeted these so q is


@00:39:52 mkultra read very carefully unreleased
@00:40:35 mkultra stuff over the x period
@00:42:48 then 770 is mkultra where one of the a
@00:43:02 instances of mkultra which you can you
@00:47:26 mkultra it talks about that if you read