The Sky is Falling! Flynn, Huber, Clinton Foundation

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:42:20 think his name is john horowitz well i
@00:42:22 think it's michael horowitz ig and john
@00:48:28 that meeting with horowitz and huber


@00:35:37 you know durham came forward because i


@00:17:11 john mccain talked about a new world
@00:17:15 senator john mccain has spoken out about
@00:17:25 this john warren john mccain talking


@00:03:54 called uranium 1 wow we're gonna read
@00:27:09 raza tom and uranium one and yeah oh
@00:27:13 that huber was looking into uranium one
@00:27:28 uranium scandal don't you think potus


@00:36:33 iran i believe uk australian narrative


@00:06:06 and then he talks about hrc soros and
@00:06:27 why did soros donate all of his money
@00:29:52 thinking obama soros rothschilds
@00:30:17 soros rothschilds clinton cetera have
@00:30:41 why did soros transfer his bulk public
@00:30:48 pulled by several high ups why did soros


@00:27:43 comey history will you okay history will


@00:19:16 unrelated to him as the indictments were
@00:19:48 series of indictments president trump
@00:38:46 seal indictments they were sealed do


@00:03:37 sessions to look into concerns raised by
@00:39:40 revealed by sessions november start hrc

William Barr

@00:34:50 he's talking about bar here bar install
@00:35:48 threatened to subpoena bar whittaker

Deep state

@00:13:25 deep state the mainstream media the


@00:01:50 away twitter if you're on twitter and
@00:43:18 and someone put it on twitter okay so he

Bush funeral

@00:41:24 bush passes away in the state
@00:41:31 clean postponed given the state funeral


@00:04:34 mockingbird 2.0 is where we are and
@00:04:42 about operation mockingbird so post
@00:04:52 post is mockingbird hrd t's detained not
@00:06:49 telling you operation mockingbird is in
@00:06:52 alright mockingbird will they'll have
@00:07:12 says operation mockingbird was a program
@00:08:15 associated operation project mockingbird
@00:15:17 the fake news mockingbird okay a bond
@00:15:54 mockingbird media listen so we can't
@00:16:38 the hill they're all mockingbird media
@00:17:42 predicted something mockingbird and then
@00:17:58 mockingbird on 10:30 2017 this again
@00:18:01 refers to operation mockingbird not to
@00:18:04 be confused with project mockingbird
@00:18:08 project mock mockingbird was just like
@00:18:24 mockingbird circling back to the start
@00:18:56 here comes the mockingbird media trump
@00:19:11 mockingbird media president trump
@00:20:40 mockingbird media just turn this into
@00:27:53 operation mockingbird priority to clean
@00:28:30 let's see operation mockingbird let's
@00:28:42 yourself operation mockingbird he
@00:29:08 mockingbird okay being a target of the
@00:30:02 mockingbird basically don't believe all
@00:31:11 evil operation mockingbird we don't like
@00:31:58 this fall with an operation mockingbird
@00:32:05 saying about operation mockingbird this
@00:32:33 stream media mockingbird secret agencies
@00:32:47 is operation mockingbird yeah it's not
@00:34:19 mockingbird failure fake to real blind
@00:36:20 she c so it's all the media mockingbird
@00:37:51 mockingbird because of these bullcrap

North Korea

@00:36:14 think ok meeting with north korea huh
@00:36:17 meeting with north korea you know him


@00:02:28 with general flynn to find out on the
@00:04:25 ask that michael flynn get prison time
@00:37:57 like what heber found nothing and flynn


@00:40:19 political mass resignations adding up


@00:03:30 anything anyway right john huber the us
@00:17:03 you write this them about hubert give me
@00:27:13 that huber was looking into uranium one
@00:35:14 huber was distracted there was too much
@00:35:30 and huber was scheduled to be there and
@00:35:40 think that the heat was getting on huber
@00:35:54 d-class special counsel report in huber
@00:37:42 now let me go to the next part for huber
@00:38:36 charges know why close when did huber
@00:38:53 deal requests yes she did y ig t huber
@00:39:46 huber coincidence that they know about
@00:39:52 ig started long before huber setting the
@00:39:59 ig is acting as the fbi huber is acting
@00:40:09 involved with the with huber being
@00:40:50 dates huber drops 1st through last
@00:40:57 know put the d 5 drops against the huber
@00:41:02 okay content and dates role of huber as
@00:41:09 mathematical probability that huber
@00:42:25 huber us attorney alright
@00:42:29 regarding a huber interview okay let's
@00:43:28 says meet ig hugh huber interview
@00:43:36 this is huber talking here they range
@00:45:48 john huber says every one of the
@00:46:51 utah's us attorney john huber says every
@00:47:16 where it talks about meet ij huber
@00:48:28 that meeting with horowitz and huber

Saudi Arabia

@00:32:10 location who was arrested in saudi
@00:32:12 arabia defined background humi which is
@00:33:02 saudi arabia global events paint the