deleted 7.12.20 - The Silent War Continues - Moves & Countermoves

from Dustin Nemos



@00:02:07 people because i know every time epstein
@00:02:16 hole out there that trump and epstein
@00:02:18 were close pals and epstein and trump
@00:02:29 prosecutor in the 2009 epstein case
@00:02:36 trump kicked epstein out of mar-a-lago


@00:06:58 these as part of the coronavirus
@00:08:17 the corona virus tracking project and


@00:02:23 the problem child trafficking and all
@00:03:02 trafficking and grooming gangs is up

Deep state

@00:00:50 lot of panic in the deep state and all
@00:04:57 with our own deep state and at the same
@00:08:51 the cdc is part of the deep state they