Is The FED Signaling When The Economic Collapse Will Occur? - Episode 411

from X22Report



@00:03:56 resources and china was there so we can
@00:14:00 there he was meeting with china and the
@00:14:22 between china and the united states will
@00:14:48 in china who were committing cyber
@00:14:58 they're encircling china right now so we
@00:16:01 with china over the next 12 months
@00:17:08 china becoming clearing houses and now
@00:31:09 that china is attacking and targeting us
@00:31:16 i would china want to target us think
@00:31:46 to make us understand that yes china is
@00:34:23 is get together with china and dump the


@00:03:18 attached to iran or however they want to

false flag

@00:33:14 were not voting for war the false flag
@00:34:39 preparing for this false flag event the

North Korea

@00:31:55 making the case with north korea they're