Live Stream Friday 9-27-19 - Interview with Barbara, General Flynn's Sister

from Truth and Art TV



@00:26:57 indictment when is andrew mccabe rule


@00:24:28 iraq iran africa everywhere he knows he


@00:16:48 hearing with clapper brennan and comey
@00:20:31 brennan comey in each race samantha


@00:16:48 hearing with clapper brennan and comey
@00:20:31 brennan comey in each race samantha
@00:34:46 bad guys like comey and and muller there

William Barr

@00:53:26 bar we don't get these lakers like

Deep state

@00:03:15 gonna see that tonight and the deep
@00:03:17 state they're admitting that this that
@00:09:07 your brother was singled out by the deep
@00:09:11 state and they had these guys like
@00:10:48 demons in the deep state and we all know


@00:11:10 twitter accounts and facebook accounts
@00:20:07 you go to my twitter page and you go to
@00:21:34 can go follow her on twitter this dude
@00:32:21 cause of twitter there's a document that
@00:34:07 hit it on twitter he called the
@00:34:18 to my twitter page in you or just go
@00:40:51 by on twitter and he's amazing and he's
@00:43:53 name on twitter and he a phenomenal
@00:47:37 on twitter commanders artists is it
@00:47:46 commanders artist right on twitter


@00:08:25 have barbara flynn okay and it's gonna
@00:09:25 general flynn so we have a family member
@00:09:29 of general flynn that is gonna come here
@00:10:44 flynn has been falsely trapped by these
@00:13:12 barbara flynn redgate but that is to
@00:13:17 sisters of the of general mike flynn and
@00:13:27 flynn legal defense fund yeah these you
@00:13:36 general mike flynn and we've been
@00:15:34 flynn but let's put it this way when did
@00:18:25 flynn before the election well in the
@00:24:23 general flynn that's all he lives you
@00:31:02 these flynn generals that were gonna be
@00:31:30 but i mean here's general charlie flynn
@00:31:37 flynn name tag on so think of that you
@00:37:26 victory for general mike flynn right now
@00:38:19 flynn said no i don't want to like very
@00:40:31 general flynn things are gonna turn out
@00:42:01 it's the mike flynn defense fund orange
@00:43:29 website the john flynn legal defense
@00:45:58 beautiful prints i mean joe flynn is a
@00:48:29 happens to general mike flynn is going
@00:49:31 it and yet john flynn free from this