All the Presidents Men (BHO) Treason!

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:08:00 andy mccabe text messages gmail messages
@00:14:25 reported to him andy mccabe reported to
@00:32:08 comey mccabe josh can


@00:16:22 some of this but the map is keep land


@00:19:36 control leverage over iran today potus
@00:19:40 the end of the iran deal may 28 een
@00:19:50 suicide watch the deal kept iran quiet


@00:29:14 weapons trafficking drug trafficking
@00:29:16 child trafficking it all goes around the
@00:29:25 and the sex trafficking of children i


@00:07:43 bill clinton john bra john brennan james
@00:41:48 what you can see is that clapper brennan
@00:41:51 john brennan clapper and james comey are

Red Cross

@00:29:20 about all this she knows about the red
@00:29:22 cross she knows about the ngos and this


@00:07:49 comey could be james clapper you know
@00:07:55 the jc a.m. text messages james comey
@00:32:08 comey mccabe josh can
@00:41:51 john brennan clapper and james comey are
@00:46:44 reid james comey who were unauthorized

William Barr

@00:39:21 attorney general bar battles intel
@00:39:41 month attorney general william barr
@00:42:52 attorney willet general bill barr and
@00:45:03 do not have subpoena power and bill bar
@00:47:07 that so now that bill barr has this


@00:16:50 gitmo red red iron eagle q so that's


@00:03:15 know operation mockingbird hacks is the


@00:08:23 they lose set up scam fisa abuse of
@00:22:37 he gives it's all about the fisa fisa
@00:22:39 fisa and it comes all the way down and
@00:28:56 over 300 american names in the fisa
@00:33:18 think yahoo and obtained fisa sign-offs
@00:33:20 fisa courts i know is it reasonable to
@00:40:54 for he's asking for the fisa documents
@00:45:25 they're very fearful of the fisa court
@00:45:59 back fisa may be restricted and some

Five Eyes

@00:17:17 talking about five eyes being treason


@00:19:11 craig think resignations coincidence


@00:21:46 was still gonna be huber okay trust me
@00:25:13 huber flies us two-way street


@00:18:22 ha so they tried to delete the proof the
@00:18:26 proof of what of a lot of things okay