China Dumps Treasuries As The Central Bank Begins The Campaign To Collapse The Economy-Episode 1475a

from X22Report



@00:01:04 episode is china dumps treasuries as the
@00:09:05 know it today and we can see that china
@00:09:18 china the central bank does not care
@00:10:32 now china we see them dumping treasuries
@00:10:57 the us and china enter a trade war china
@00:11:05 trade war and i think china is gonna end
@00:11:14 transitioned to over to china there's no
@00:11:17 reason for china to have treasuries

Deep state

@00:07:28 is that he's fighting against the deep
@00:07:31 state the cabal which is very very
@00:15:23 benefits the deep state the cabal at the