The Countdown Begins To The Next False Flag To Pass The Authorization For War - Episode 621

from X22Report



@00:13:46 china-led bank if it could guarantee a
@00:14:34 we can't go off to china we can't go off
@00:15:44 their own payment system china went out
@00:22:19 to go wherever china or russia are
@00:22:25 natural resources and we can see china
@00:23:02 of a sudden civil wars break out china
@00:23:11 south sudan china supports in north
@00:23:17 are fighting and china has been involved
@00:23:25 and we can see that china has been
@00:23:27 protecting their investment and china
@00:23:38 happening in nigeria china and nigeria
@00:24:01 china is their friend they've been
@00:24:27 china right now is in many different
@00:25:30 closely related to china and russia and
@00:25:39 this country and we can see that china
@00:26:22 that china is continually giving loans
@00:26:58 because china is making a deal in
@00:27:14 south america again wherever china is at
@00:27:33 fighting china yes it's the sudanese
@00:28:10 on the other side and china is on the
@00:38:08 help out with the situation china to
@00:41:47 countries that china and russia are in


@00:37:38 inside iraq because right now iran is

William Barr

@00:16:04 possible to bar russia from the swift

false flag

@00:00:37 next false flag to pass the
@00:37:09 they're going to use some type of false
@00:37:12 flag event to convince the world that
@00:40:47 of false flag to push the authorization
@00:42:18 building up for the next false flag i
@00:42:27 area i mean it might be a multiple false
@00:42:30 flag to really push this through because
@00:42:33 one other little false flag might not do
@00:42:51 false flag in europe or the united

Saudi Arabia

@00:25:48 states government central bankers saudi
@00:25:50 arabia and the other nations continually
@00:42:09 done on purpose and we see that saudi
@00:42:11 arabia and djibouti their embassies are