Late Night -Q Critical Interpretations For Patriots- 1-23-18 (PART 2)

from Truth and Art TV



@00:08:43 math scores in this map when you click


@00:03:31 the soros funded the hillary obama


@00:09:57 sessions trey gowdy departure house you
@00:12:31 have jeff sessions in the department of

Deep state

@00:02:00 doubters and with the deep state itself
@00:03:11 factually a deep state war between
@00:03:38 these this deep state there is a war
@00:03:42 between the deep the deep state and the
@00:09:36 deep state today on fox news and with
@00:11:01 horst snowden outsmarted obama's deep
@00:11:06 state when he got to russia by booking
@00:11:43 atom bomb on the deep state what does
@00:12:47 state of emergency and we have assets
@00:12:54 telling us that all these deep state