deleted 3.5.19 - "CU" - NSA Humor & Chat (Segmented Clips Soon)

from Dustin Nemos



@00:11:30 and sex trafficking and and who knows


@00:14:04 indictments can't see who's in them

Deep state

@00:19:13 reference to could be you know the deep
@00:19:17 state the the the three-letter agencies


@00:00:45 twitter supposedly i mean they have
@00:03:54 ones in the twitter comments so that i
@00:07:02 a twitter all right
@00:07:03 i've been on twitter all night damn it
@00:08:18 ig 29 71 twitter okay let's check it out
@00:27:54 8chan we have a twitter message in sa
@00:28:35 twitter calm son zoo all right i like


@00:22:58 forced with all these vaccines even the


@00:24:20 isaac green so i don't want to lie and i


@00:12:40 huber interview they range from domestic
@00:12:56 now that is a quote from huber who's


@00:07:18 i'll take what is aq proof for 1000
@00:09:23 cnn they have no proof of obstruction by
@00:09:37 have proof i did use a lot of evidence
@00:09:53 carefully reference regard proof the
@00:09:59 proof or evidence it's the democrat
@00:10:13 discrimination synonyms proof
@00:11:02 continuing on so proof equals evidence
@00:11:06 listen to the clip again regards proof
@00:13:16 evidence our narrative has proof their
@00:28:28 that is not a proof for anything but hey