Deep State Attempts 2nd 9-11 Terrorist Attack on White House Today, FBI Wants to Question Andrew

from dnajlion7



@00:06:37 starting with people like andrew mccabe


@00:08:10 to murder john f kennedy when bush


@00:05:15 ties to jeffrey epstein the fbi now
@00:05:19 andrew's ties to jeffrey epstein one

Bill Gates

@00:05:34 zandrew bill gates the clintons many who

Human trafficking

@00:09:18 human trafficking slavery and the


@00:04:14 along with the child sex trafficking cia
@00:04:17 along with the child sex trafficking
@00:09:18 human trafficking slavery and the

William Barr

@00:05:00 bill barr himself releases his own
@00:12:23 r-bar are both skull and bones minh anh

Deep state

@00:04:43 obviously the deep state cabal is


@00:14:59 twitter accounts and coordinated


@00:01:26 satanic who was a satanic pedophile the
@00:02:33 that satanic pedophile mohammed who by
@00:06:55 who is a major satanic pedophile the
@00:08:30 pedophile and so it's no wonder that the


@00:05:44 this is just another proof of that so i
@00:07:02 is just more proof that things are

Saudi Arabia

@00:04:21 by saudi arabia so here this unmarked

Timothy Holmseth

@00:01:07 timothy holmes death and i actually
@00:01:14 recognition to timothy holmes seth and