It’s All About To Boomerang, [DS] Propaganda Falls Apart, [DF] Videos Countered - Episode 2072b

from X22Report



@00:04:05 potus signs china deal pelosi sends


@00:21:32 seems like the epstein story is gaining
@00:21:51 it seems that epstein trafficked and
@00:22:04 filed against jeffrey epstein by the
@00:22:26 several epstein accusers
@00:22:28 epstein kept a computerized database to
@00:22:40 epstein clearly used the virgin islands
@00:24:19 yeah epstein didn't kill himself now i


@00:21:18 than maureen our comey she is the
@00:21:23 daughter of james comey that is very

William Barr

@00:11:44 department insisted barr was unaware of
@00:20:40 bill bar d class the fisa warrant on the

Deep state

@00:00:43 deep state propaganda falls apart deep
@00:01:30 now the deep state the ds they're ready
@00:01:53 trying to control the narrative deep
@00:01:56 state ds they're in trouble
@00:03:29 that nancy pelosi the deep state of
@00:06:14 now the deep state the ds they realized
@00:07:52 she's absolutely right now the deep
@00:07:57 state that ease they're trying to
@00:13:10 boomerang on them the deep state ds are
@00:13:22 narrative as fast as the deep state is
@00:30:59 were exposing the deep state the
@00:32:32 that can decipher deep fakes and now we
@00:32:43 what is the deep state running out of

false flag

@00:27:15 setting up some type of false flag or


@00:20:40 bill bar d class the fisa warrant on the


@00:25:10 by the us in mexico and in 1889 to


@00:19:48 now yesterday we talked about flynn and
@00:20:19 because his flynn going to go free in 30
@00:20:46 19th to clear flynn we'll have to see
@00:21:45 the fake impeachment we have flynn case
@00:31:26 to senate for a trial think about flynn