MSM, [DS], [CB] Didn’t See This Coming, Trump Has Shadow Trade Deals - Episode 1866a

from X22Report



@00:05:10 discussed yesterday the china trade deal
@00:05:32 central banks china the elite everywhere
@00:05:51 friends in china that china will be hurt
@00:05:57 leave china for other countries to
@00:05:59 expensive to buy in china you had a
@00:06:22 china will be hurt badly if you don't
@00:06:28 forced to leave china for other
@00:06:39 alternatives to china trump already laid
@00:06:47 be with china remember they broke the
@00:06:54 dollars in two hours from china buyers
@00:08:15 that china was going to be a problem and
@00:08:20 pressure on china and he knew he was
@00:08:25 plan just in case that china talks
@00:08:28 didn't go well now do i think the china
@00:09:52 out of china into these other countries
@00:10:06 before that china trade talks so right
@00:10:21 terrible we need to have china no we
@00:10:26 that china might push back on the trade
@00:13:14 elite still even in china yes
@00:13:51 china there was shadow deals that were

William Barr

@00:01:37 ounce silver bar for anyone

Deep state

@00:00:42 media deep state central bank didn't see
@00:05:31 mainstream media the deep state the
@00:10:41 the deep state is always going to be
@00:14:03 the deep state the central banks and

North Korea

@00:07:41 south korea vietnam philippines india
@00:07:52 continually out there saying that north
@00:07:54 korea could be an economic powerhouse