QAnon - Breaking: Trump offers to meet with Iranian President Rouhani, without preconditions

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:00:28 iran and the headlines are trump offers
@00:00:47 i would certainly meet with iran if they
@00:01:20 you spoke a bit about iran today and
@00:01:24 you could tell us what you think iran
@00:02:43 meet with iran if they wanted to meet i
@00:02:48 but i ended the iran deal it was a
@00:03:33 he's willing to talk with iran to iran
@00:03:52 on with iran on new nuclear agreement
@00:03:57 meet with that iran with iran with
@00:04:00 without preconditions iran as a nation
@00:04:17 he'll meet with iran without
@00:04:32 meet with iran leaders just 10 days


@00:03:46 twitter so let's hear the spin begins
@00:04:58 stupid it's all over twitter though so

North Korea

@00:01:32 of north korea and russia are you
@00:04:04 more hello think north korea trump
@00:04:49 you with north korea oh you know what i