deleted 9.17.18 - FISA Declassified. Sessions Activates. Rosenstein Rejected Again - MEME WAR TIME!

from Dustin Nemos



@00:24:27 china they they got it at a wholesale
@00:38:51 let's see china may be responding to the


@00:40:43 against john kerry for his his iran


@00:52:29 surprised by the inclusion of comey i


@00:07:43 indictments coming out that kind of
@00:22:06 indictments or or the sorry the physis


@00:03:00 22:03 panic in dc sessions and hueber
@00:03:06 ho ho man 22:04 panic in dc sessions
@00:03:28 going to unruh q sessions is about two
@00:03:33 that just came out sessions is about to
@00:03:47 people saying the sessions is inevitable
@00:03:51 you know i didn't like sessions and i at
@00:12:17 he says activate sessions and then
@00:12:22 sessions is like the the brackets are
@00:12:24 facing outwards so sessions is outside
@00:16:22 he mentioned sessions in huber having
@00:16:32 more come in but sessions classified
@00:16:50 basically given sessions whatever he
@00:21:52 lynch is turning sessions is about two
@00:25:28 sessions is basically has a classified
@00:25:50 go crazy on these guys sessions in huber
@00:33:55 in sessions yeah sessions is going to
@00:34:22 sessions apparently now has permission
@00:34:29 activated he was saying sessions
@00:37:59 it larysa sessions is going to unruh q's
@00:38:07 in sessions is activating yeah i mean he

William Barr

@00:35:51 produce a value you know you have bar

Deep state

@00:39:59 deep state he's been doing some
@00:45:53 the uk deep state will also be exposed


@00:08:45 begging on twitter and all this other

Mass arrests

@00:15:47 stuff this is the beginnings of mass
@00:15:49 arrests that's what this signifies and


@00:53:53 pedophile stuff i mean of all those


@00:22:04 have all of this stuff the fisa
@00:27:06 let out the fisa right please don't tell


@00:16:22 he mentioned sessions in huber having
@00:25:50 go crazy on these guys sessions in huber