Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.2.17) PART 2

from JustInformed Talk ™️



@00:24:24 john mccain institute
@00:24:58 where did john mccain obtain his surgery
@00:25:27 mccain surgery was basically faked in
@00:28:13 mccain institute and money laundering
@00:30:12 you have the the mccain institute you
@00:33:26 to guess who john mccain so take that
@00:34:50 source senator john mccain you know
@00:34:58 the same john mccain who met libyan
@00:35:25 quote john mccain and bada-boom
@00:35:38 it says senator mccain and others


@00:01:21 this week uranium one fbi informant have
@00:02:40 what's going on with uranium one and the
@00:03:08 informant in the uranium one probe now
@00:03:28 regarding the way that the uranium one
@00:03:35 contracts and removing uranium from our
@00:03:44 as well is that that uranium may not
@00:03:53 that uranium could have ended up in a
@00:04:25 uranium
@00:05:04 korea obtain uranium uranium one no they
@00:05:08 have their own uranium they actually
@00:05:09 mind their own uranium from their own
@00:05:11 how did iran obtain uranium well that
@00:05:14 was probably uranium one because they
@00:06:27 its uranium they have their own
@00:06:34 these uranium production facilities and


@00:00:03 obama north korea and iran what do they
@00:05:11 how did iran obtain uranium well that
@00:05:26 cash and wire to iran why the cash
@00:05:37 that obama sent billions to iran but
@00:05:42 then also it wasn't just iran i think
@00:07:10 who were taken hostage by iran and
@00:08:25 iran i think the answer that is - did
@00:08:28 all land in iran well apparently they
@00:08:44 the pallets arrived in iran they had
@00:09:04 iran another one went somewhere else and
@00:09:27 money was given to iran and north korea

Las Vegas

@00:18:09 of which it was in las vegas with
@00:18:22 happened in las vegas where the rock


@00:01:24 secret sessions been underway how could
@00:03:02 before attorney general jeff sessions

Deep state

@00:15:52 for is the deep state the bent main
@00:15:58 remember the deep state is a bunch of


@00:32:31 twitter exactly this my fellow americans
@00:41:20 information ie potus twitter etc and/or
@00:42:45 twitter and facebook and it's telling us
@00:45:06 anticipated the twitter and other social

Inspector General

@00:35:55 inspector general inspectors general of

Pizza gate

@00:19:31 race war propaganda and pizza gate

North Korea

@00:00:03 obama north korea and iran what do they
@00:05:46 according to q over to north korea as
@00:06:24 have basically where north korea gets
@00:09:07 the other plane went to north korea and
@00:09:27 money was given to iran and north korea
@00:10:22 it says who controls north korea well
@00:10:39 workers party of korea the ruling party
@00:10:42 of north korea and its main
@00:11:46 influence from the cia in north korea
@00:12:39 of north korea that it's not just kim
@00:14:13 north korea well it's important because
@00:16:35 controlled by north korea having
@00:17:29 look back is that he was in north korea
@00:17:52 to north korea but that is a complete
@00:46:24 where is barack obama today north korea


@00:25:08 linda de rothschild or whatever and eric


@00:11:49 now i don't have a lot of proof to back

Saudi Arabia

@00:04:54 hillary clinton in saudi arabia and
@00:29:38 saudi arabia moving on now it says list
@00:33:41 to the muslim brotherhood and to saudi
@00:33:43 arabia and her role in the ballooning
@00:36:11 trip saudi arabia what was the purpose
@00:37:14 undisclosed trip to saudi arabia as far
@00:37:57 before trump went to saudi arabia i
@00:38:55 says how did saudi arabia welcome potus
@00:39:01 how did saudi arabia welcome barack
@00:39:03 obama during his trip how did saudi
@00:39:05 arabia welcome hillary clinton during
@00:39:09 suggesting saudi arabia is clean by any
@00:39:25 ceremony in saudi arabia and it's it's
@00:40:01 this trump and then how did saudi arabia