Rates Raised, Market Drops, Who's In The Kill Box, Coincidence? - Episode 1687a

from X22Report



@00:01:45 minuchin he's out there warning china
@00:01:58 out and dismissed the idea that china is
@00:02:10 continually says no china is doing this
@00:02:24 was out there saying that yes china is
@00:12:54 china turkey iran india syria brazil


@00:12:54 china turkey iran india syria brazil


@00:03:34 the same thing with jeff sessions he put
@00:03:37 jeff sessions into the position and we
@00:03:42 same strategy where with jeff sessions
@00:03:52 disappointed in jeff sessions now the
@00:03:58 get everyone to sign with jeff sessions
@00:04:06 say well we don't want jeff sessions now
@00:06:22 sessions absolutely so let's start to

Deep state

@00:01:19 just talking about going after the deep
@00:01:20 state i'm talking about the entire plan
@00:02:48 drain the swamp get rid of the deep
@00:02:50 state put the rule of law back and help
@00:05:53 the mainstream media the deep state this
@00:09:52 deep state system is backing the fed