Latest Q-Anon / Hussien In Drag?! / MEMES

from TRUreporting



@00:25:20 going on 7 months now i mccain missing


@00:15:05 news on lots past map i check the map so


@00:01:32 crooked hillary and slippery james comey
@00:02:56 came out in the ig report james comey
@00:03:24 james comey nhrc


@00:23:23 mueller indictments what happened
@00:24:14 indictments and happened clinton was


@00:13:44 appointed by sessions john podesta ummah
@00:14:50 sessions november start it started in

false flag

@00:05:11 false-flag will inspect review marine

Inspector General

@00:09:33 inspector general report on hrc email
@00:13:56 requests why inspector general huber can
@00:14:01 inspector general disclose evidence in
@00:18:18 news inspector general report nationwide
@00:18:38 this is page 294 of the inspector
@00:18:41 general report obviously it's very much


@00:00:57 fisa warrant applications to in extend
@00:01:21 whole surveillance this sign fisa

North Korea

@00:11:28 schmidt set up in north korea they have
@00:12:10 think north korea we look down here
@00:17:22 located in north korea where no one


@00:16:16 resignations adding up logical careful
@00:23:50 resignations right here hillary was


@00:13:56 requests why inspector general huber can


@00:04:27 proof
@00:05:23 to be done to show more proof so he's
@00:05:37 and more proof i don't know how much
@00:05:39 more proof you need i mean i don't just
@00:11:09 mean this guy's proof so then we see
@00:24:28 o/q posts cue proof satan has left the