The HUNT for Deplorables? IS Deplorable!

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:25:51 the map in the u.s. twitter ceo shares
@00:32:12 to go if this is a map and i mean we


@00:18:42 saavedra is on twitter and he's a writer
@00:18:49 you and show you is twitter this is what
@00:19:00 my ears cuz uh okay so he says twitter
@00:19:42 twitter is they they told me in a
@00:20:12 in mind twitter allowed hashtag massacre
@00:20:33 democrats twitter also suspended their
@00:20:38 twitter suspended mcconnell's campaign
@00:20:50 twitter telling them that they could not
@00:21:02 twitter rules it's laughable as a result
@00:21:38 this tweet violated the twitter rules
@00:22:47 i told twitter that their logic did not
@00:22:59 pointed these tweets out to twitter as
@00:23:30 what happened twitter took no action
@00:23:40 really it's that's unbelievable twitter
@00:24:02 pedophiles twitter allowed him to keep
@00:24:12 twitter back to the cobo with twitter
@00:24:28 have an account on twitter she's got her
@00:24:32 twitter ceo jack dorsey is a big black
@00:25:30 the hate the hate that twitter allowed
@00:25:41 mitch see it like twitter does not care
@00:25:51 the map in the u.s. twitter ceo shares
@00:26:06 twitter is only concerned that if they
@00:26:09 be could be blamed twitter is is only
@00:26:21 twitter it was made me sick they also do
@00:26:28 many at twitter have twitter ceo even a
@00:26:35 twitter ceo jack dorsey i fully admit
@00:26:50 allowed to foment on twitter for days
@00:26:52 twitter is interfering in the twenty20
@00:26:59 for telling the truth twitter is making
@00:27:18 trump's donors on twitter which is
@00:31:11 twitter facebook let me show you that
@00:32:43 potus is twitter etc and/or mass
@00:35:06 kill twitter kill yahoo killed big kill
@00:36:21 is real fear regarding twitter
@00:36:37 part right so twitter threatened because
@00:36:38 so they they throttled twitter and they

Saudi Arabia

@00:31:28 potus during their trip to saudi arabia
@00:33:17 there was referring to queue in saudi
@00:33:20 arabia okay and you'll have to go back