The Economy Is In Free Fall And The U.S. Government Is Preparing For The Big Event - Episode 659

from X22Report



@00:08:15 china we're looking at the aib we're
@00:08:28 and we can see that china has been
@00:08:55 to push the tpp we need to contain china
@00:24:01 china and somalia have signed a new
@00:24:11 this year part of the agreement china
@00:24:25 development programs china will continue
@00:24:46 so wherever china is and russia the
@00:25:20 china is already in there and they're
@00:32:36 happen now china is very worried about
@00:32:54 of war between china and japan obama is
@00:33:09 about containing china this is exactly
@00:33:25 will have china contained at this point
@00:33:28 now we see china they brought two
@00:33:33 china they were seen passing through the
@00:33:45 remember china is not a state that is
@00:34:47 china bringing in troops and military
@00:38:49 syria so will russia and china and right
@00:46:46 russia and china as the cyber attack on
@00:47:09 say russia and china


@00:38:32 deal with iran for another 1 billion
@00:38:41 there we have to remember iran and syria
@00:38:47 iran will come to the assistance of


@00:43:34 handler tweeted on twitter that they

false flag

@00:45:30 protect it and then staged the false
@00:45:32 flag event after the attack she didn't

Inspector General

@00:26:23 funding the special inspector general

Saudi Arabia

@00:37:06 see it in yemen with saudi arabia and
@00:37:43 attacked a saudi arabian city now you
@00:37:46 have to remember saudi arabia and a lot
@00:38:04 saudi arabia where they have a massive