deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.8.18 - Trump withdrew from Iran Deal (AND took control?), Israel teasing WW3.

from Dustin Nemos



@00:09:32 investigation into leaks quote horowitz


@00:12:49 hatch republican no-name mccain


@00:00:22 update so trump pulled out of the iran
@00:01:46 iran as part of withdrawing from the
@00:16:29 leverage of iran today
@00:16:32 potus took control of iran that's big
@00:16:51 i hope it's hillary the deal kept iran
@00:20:10 iran deal equals clowns losing control
@00:20:26 who told iran to stay in deal till potus


@00:18:57 trafficking children she's charged with
@00:18:59 trafficking children oh my gosh she is


@00:03:21 and john brennan is supporting jena
@00:03:52 brennan to be okay with the person that


@00:11:38 29,000 indictments pompeo cleaned ca and


@00:07:19 source smart pipe if sessions and ray
@00:07:59 of creating confusion what was sessions
@00:08:19 why did sessions pick rosen scene
@00:09:16 secretly engage hoover why did sessions
@00:11:15 many turning on sessions hugh reminds us
@00:11:25 doj and fbi members fired by sessions

Deep state

@00:07:23 rdc swamp slash deep state why are they


@00:03:34 it on twitter kind of to the extent of
@00:03:56 off and and ranting about it on twitter

North Korea

@00:20:17 like with north korea new tough

Five Eyes

@00:17:23 part of phi ice five eyes why is that


@00:03:01 more proof out of that but they're going
@00:03:04 puppeting it asks proof beyond they need