deleted 4.1.2020 - Plannedemic Fear Bomb Turn Into Dud

from Dustin Nemos



@00:16:57 asia and china for free while the us


@00:00:10 dive into the coronavirus deception i
@00:02:51 coronavirus and let's dive in let's do
@00:04:01 quite a bit before this corona virus was
@00:04:35 wanting justice and then the coronavirus
@00:05:24 coronavirus is a temporary distraction
@00:05:46 eight strains of coronavirus the short
@00:06:23 coronavirus we've already seen reports
@00:06:28 coronavirus workers and they don't want
@00:13:03 the coronavirus everything else was
@00:13:43 for a coronavirus test well that's a
@00:18:16 anything about this coronavirus and

Deep state

@00:08:11 putting a double whammy on the deep
@00:08:13 state you're getting the stuff that you
@00:16:08 doctor so why is there another deep
@00:16:12 state agent up on the pedestal in front
@00:19:05 nemo's you can basically detox the deep
@00:19:08 state get your immune system boosting


@00:12:10 on twitter quoting his son eric saying
@00:12:25 is no twitter account called hew this is
@00:12:41 on twitter but at q there's no such


@00:04:59 is part of your checklist to get a fisa
@00:15:31 different fisa warrants and there were