[10.28] Q B-day & VIPAnon Photo (Trump = Q+?) / GAB Censored / Huber in the News / Vaccines&Lithium

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:14:44 trafficking rat lines are very easily


@00:11:38 indictments of people in the fbi huh
@00:11:52 sealed indictments filed in the last
@00:12:07 indictments from around the country


@00:11:00 asking jeff sessions for an update jim
@00:11:17 sessions said huber's reporting directly


@00:07:17 a gab account didn't have a twitter
@00:09:16 people on youtube and twitter right
@00:09:18 that's why youtube and twitter and


@00:14:57 you guys about vaccines so again this is
@00:15:15 article seven facts about vaccines
@00:15:26 let's see myth vaccines do not really
@00:15:35 myth all vaccines contained the live or
@00:15:47 vaccines truth your child is very
@00:15:53 right they don't eat vaccines myth
@00:15:55 vaccines are not safe truth they're not

false flag

@00:07:24 particular false flag events have this


@00:09:34 times about huber john huber hitting the
@00:10:30 year after us attorney john huber was
@00:11:47 backstory you know what's john huber
@00:12:31 maybe we'll see huber getting activated