Q Anon/News - Gnarwhal - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.15.19

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:02:23 with the doj being bar and durham
@00:03:12 like the durham criminal investigation


@00:13:53 building there we're on the map it shows


@00:04:30 would to be john brennan who signed i
@00:04:41 that this all came from john brennan and

William Barr

@00:02:23 with the doj being bar and durham
@00:02:48 but what we do know is that bar met with
@00:18:14 with bill barr and his dog right there

Deep state

@00:21:42 deep state knuckleheads were


@00:26:19 and of course i'm at twitter at ip ot
@00:27:01 rather than digging through my twitter


@00:04:13 using these these the fisa warrants to
@00:04:39 on these fisa warrants but i'm assuming

Five Eyes

@00:02:42 being part of the official five eyes
@00:03:33 intelligence etc non five eyes official


@00:06:06 probably some sort of physical proof cia