Industrial Military Complex Exposed, Scientology Ties to Clinton State Dept

from dnajlion7


Human trafficking

@00:03:33 being accused of human trafficking and
@00:03:48 scientology accused of human trafficking
@00:04:12 of exploitation from child abuse human
@00:04:15 trafficking and forced labor to revenge
@00:08:00 accused of being involved in human and
@00:08:02 child trafficking and now they have all


@00:00:57 president trump and iran i just want to
@00:02:35 iran they said oh how can he do this
@00:02:38 he didn't strike iran and they said how
@00:02:43 country and go to war and attack iran


@00:03:33 being accused of human trafficking and
@00:03:48 scientology accused of human trafficking
@00:04:15 trafficking and forced labor to revenge
@00:08:02 child trafficking and now they have all
@00:08:12 major child sex trafficking with this
@00:10:18 child sex trafficking like exposing

Deep state

@00:02:45 it's the deep state it's the military
@00:03:06 deep state cabal like never before
@00:06:03 state and others to express our deep

Saudi Arabia

@00:08:40 is from wright mark saudi diplomat to
@00:08:49 incredible stuff basically saudi arabia