deleted President Trump Just Retweeted Q - AGAIN (I'm Preparing My "I Told you Q Was Real" Speech Now...)

from Dustin Nemos


Deep state

@00:02:27 waiting on the deep state to be arrested
@00:02:49 backgrounds and the deep state is
@00:05:56 democrats and the left and the deep
@00:05:58 state rely on and when you wake up to
@00:06:36 the deep state is being drained the year


@00:02:29 and thrown in gitmo which by the way has


@00:01:39 mike rothschild and will somme nerve the
@00:03:50 mike rothschild and will sumner their

Mike Rothschild

@00:01:39 mike rothschild and will somme nerve the
@00:03:50 mike rothschild and will sumner their