Comey Turns On Brennan As Circular Firing Squad Continues!!
from Truth and Art TV
uploaded on May 16, 2019
@00:14:52 attorney john durham yeah the stealth
@00:02:15 deals deals deals deals with china iran
@00:02:02 covered i'm sure that iran will want to
@00:02:15 deals deals deals deals with china iran
@00:06:58 that come on this channel defending iran
@00:07:24 review let's see how fast we can go iran
@00:07:39 and it says here iran will defeat the
@00:08:10 this whole thing with iran is all about
@00:09:06 this conflict against deep states iran
@00:09:11 iran all these years under the hussein
@00:09:16 is focused inside of iran this is where
@00:09:35 iran and now it's happening they're
@00:09:44 with iran he you know he's a president
@00:12:25 theme comey turns on brennan fire fbi
@00:12:58 director james comey from december 2016
@00:13:36 and gentlemen james baker rats out comey
@00:13:54 yeah time officials quite worried comey
@00:14:20 baker ratted out james comey saying top
@00:14:25 worried comey would appear to be
@00:15:00 speaking to isikoff about james comey
@00:15:08 comey
Deep state
North Korea
@00:02:18 any north korea everybody that is what