Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 193

from X22Report



@00:12:56 china is making a deal with uganda a two
@00:13:45 east during the 70's it seems like china


@00:09:20 iran have a treaty with each other will
@00:09:22 enable them to go into iran once iran or
@00:09:26 assad i mean assad asked for help iran
@00:09:34 green light to start fighting with iran

false flag

@00:07:52 this is perfect for the false flag event

Saudi Arabia

@00:06:40 the us central bankers saudi arabia who
@00:08:49 the past the us the cia and saudi arabia
@00:09:02 the us government central bankers saudi
@00:09:05 arabia israel they all want assad