Q Anon - IPOT/ Russia Collusion? Blue Wave? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.8.18

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:01:08 opened the door for twitter facebook
@00:01:53 twitter i do suggest you follow her i
@00:01:58 follows me on twitter but i'm not so
@00:03:31 on twitter saying folks let me be clear
@00:05:31 on twitter this year is an excerpt off a
@00:10:17 fox over here on twitter is saying it's
@00:11:56 are into twitter hang out on twitter be
@00:13:32 always you can find me on the twitter at


@00:11:14 matter is is that we know all about fisa
@00:11:16 fisa fisa and as it plays out it only


@00:03:29 and you even have michael flynn jr. here