Russia And China Are Now Working Together To Organize The Global "de-dollarization" - Episode 375

from X22Report



@00:00:36 china are now working together to
@00:00:40 we can see that china has been making
@00:00:53 and china have both in purchasing a huge
@00:01:58 and china to create a reserve system to
@00:02:23 see that once china starts to really
@00:07:52 russia china and all the bric nations
@00:09:00 china and russia they are totally
@00:09:13 china have reached an unprecedented
@00:10:05 china to look for other financial
@00:10:51 in china where he was saying that yes
@00:20:39 afghanistan because china is there they
@00:23:25 getting close to that date now china
@00:23:57 state-owned chinese companies china has
@00:24:14 espionage china is fighting back saying
@00:35:57 russia has serious back china and russia
@00:36:53 that's where china is most of the states
@00:37:05 kenya china has made deals all around


@00:21:38 they do not have interests such as iran
@00:36:01 and iran are making a deal with each

false flag

@00:03:36 false flag event on syria and again