deleted 9.28.19 Dustin Nemos Interviews Jim Willie on Zombie Firms, And the Bond Crisis - Don't Miss!

from Dustin Nemos



@00:28:45 respect to the us versus china us uk
@00:28:47 versus china
@00:30:17 china they can easily do so by messing
@00:33:06 not brazil russia india china south
@00:43:47 talked before about how russia or china
@00:43:53 in the gold market as well in china so
@00:44:08 right now trump is fighting china you
@00:44:21 you know india and china are not big
@00:45:32 bilateral trade between china and italy
@00:45:45 union trade with china so the italian
@00:46:16 oil between russia and china and that's
@00:46:27 used it the russian sold oil to china


@00:43:20 be a ferryman and toll taker iran