Lawyer Promises to take down Twitter CEO, Pedophile Blackmail Ring Ensnares Dems and Repubs

from dnajlion7



@00:06:53 china
@00:06:56 been blackmailed by china
@00:10:23 totalitarian communist china but
@00:10:39 in both china and portland to deepen his
@00:10:51 and china-based communist youth leagues


@00:11:04 i mean literally antifa were surrounding

William Barr

@00:07:30 uh wolf blitzer had with barr
@00:07:33 bulldog bar yesterday i want to go ahead
@00:08:54 all right so bar definitely letting wolf

Deep state

@00:07:08 the deep state in the upper echelons of
@00:07:19 the uh the deep state elements in the


@00:01:38 twitter and on social media
@00:01:43 ass down following twitter censorship
@00:01:49 jack dorsey's ass down after twitter
@00:02:33 a twitter spokeswoman confirmed to
@00:02:44 twitter jail falsely accused of
@00:02:46 said wood on twitter after his access
@00:03:07 twitter will