It Begins, Countries Are Now Closing Surrounding Airspace Around Libya - Episode 981b

from X22Report



@00:00:52 now out in the south china sea we see
@00:00:57 are in the south china sea and of course
@00:01:10 that china says is theirs and if we go
@00:01:35 china and they're continually selling
@00:01:41 provoke china but we have to look back
@00:01:48 done the same thing as china but in a
@00:01:51 different way china after world war two
@00:01:58 that this is part of china the other
@00:03:12 world that china shouldn't be doing
@00:05:48 russia listen if russia or china was

North Korea

@00:03:23 forces korea commander and he is out
@00:03:27 there saying that north korea they could
@00:03:36 north korea collapse he went on to say
@00:03:45 north korea that could quickly escalate
@00:03:55 instability in north korea that i
@00:03:58 north korea and much sooner than many of
@00:04:08 status quo in north korea that is not
@00:04:52 north korea and this is a situation that


@00:05:51 doing this in canada or in mexico right