Fake News DownSizing? - In Pursuit of Truth - 1.25.19

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:06:18 james comey john mccain who knows a lot
@00:06:34 no-name mccain might be playing call of


@00:06:18 james comey john mccain who knows a lot
@00:18:52 james comey knew about it now everybody

Deep state

@00:06:54 there's a lot of deep state knuckleheads
@00:19:30 deep state and a parent a parent parent


@00:03:58 out in real time very much like twitter
@00:22:41 over here on twitter at i p ot 1776


@00:14:26 fisa expert but did not routinely review
@00:15:38 standards expected by the fisa court
@00:15:42 fisa court judges seem to be a little
@00:16:04 independent legal review of the fisa
@00:16:24 2016 a month before the fisa warrant he
@00:16:41 of 2016 a month before the fisa warrant
@00:16:58 james baker then after the fisa warrant
@00:18:29 and these acts show that fisa clearly
@00:19:25 think that very much like fisa is going