Mission Accomplished, The Economic Recovery Is An Illusion -- Episode 356

from X22Report



@00:02:39 japan china area over the senkaku
@00:19:36 all include russia north korea china
@00:24:35 and our goal is not to counter china our
@00:24:37 goal is to contain china why is china
@00:24:59 china and squeeze them and push them
@00:25:05 and they encircle china just in case
@00:25:12 they are ready to go into bringing china
@00:37:44 making deals with china they made a deal
@00:37:46 with china the building this whole
@00:38:16 embracing china and russia and there's a
@00:38:22 china has been making deals with uk


@00:39:39 nuclear material highly enriched uranium


@00:19:40 iran syria it doesn't really matter
@00:38:30 iran syria russia they're all now
@00:42:33 with syria and iran and now we have to

false flag

@00:37:11 them use some type of false flag to
@00:40:30 say that this could be used in a false
@00:40:34 flag we don't know why all this nuclear

North Korea

@00:19:26 syria or in ran or in north korea or out
@00:19:36 all include russia north korea china

Saudi Arabia

@00:37:36 major major problems out there and saudi
@00:37:39 arabia has moving further and further
@00:37:52 and what we're seeing right now is saudi
@00:37:55 arabia purchased chinese missiles saudi