Craig Sawyer Exposed, Field McConnell Defended, Margaret Thatcher & Johnny Carson Satanic Pedophiles

from dnajlion7



@00:10:49 was close friends with epstein and went
@00:11:34 connections to epstein and club 33 of


@00:01:49 child sex trafficking camp in arizona

Deep state

@00:09:11 empire satan sodomy and the deep state


@00:01:06 his twitter but he posted this on his
@00:01:07 twitter and as you can see it has fiona
@00:11:09 fiona barnett put on twitter and i've


@00:03:20 trump was able to flip five g so 5g is
@00:03:23 not harmful in fact i have a 5g flipped
@00:03:26 and i hope he gets 6 g + 7 g 5g is
@00:03:34 cooks that say 5g is evil that was what
@00:04:13 i just explained it but in terms of 5g
@00:04:22 love it i use 5g i hope we get 6g so
@00:04:26 trump is awesome in pushing for 5g so


@00:02:12 satanic pedophile authorities decided to
@00:09:09 back in october 2018 but pedophile and
@00:09:23 satanic pedophile people think oh
@00:09:33 satanic pedophile
@00:10:29 the johnny carson a satanic pedophile
@00:10:41 major satanic pedophile mocking and
@00:10:50 to epstein's pedophile island
@00:10:56 a pedophile and johnny carson along with


@00:01:17 isaac cappy has these people and craig

Field McConnell

@00:04:51 beautiful picture of field mcconnell now
@00:07:01 in jail right alongside field mcconnell


@00:09:31 thatcher like antonin scalia was a