FRIDAY 3-6-20 The Silent War ...Continues

from Truth and Art TV



@00:29:52 yeah democrat strategist justin horowitz
@00:31:01 cernik bernie sanders justin horowitz


@00:46:05 guys the corona virus right there that


@00:48:52 george soros yap buzzfeed they buzzfeed

William Barr

@00:46:39 william bar over a muller report summary
@00:46:55 attorney general bar / male report point
@00:47:51 and he's criticizing bar like it says
@00:48:08 he'd that bar was being biased he did
@00:49:53 department of justice saying that bar
@00:50:33 accusing attorney general barr of a
@00:51:44 slams attorney general bar orders doj to

Deep state

@00:23:43 imagine that the deep state they're
@00:24:56 there goes your deep state ladies and
@00:46:26 the the deep state they're out of
@00:47:46 right there the deep state released this
@00:49:37 thursday's opinion so this deep state
@00:50:37 believe that classic deep state attack
@00:53:06 a counter move by the deep state a judge
@00:58:09 story out is right here the deep state
@00:58:48 people this is the deep state moves in


@00:28:21 gentlemen take a look at what twitter is
@00:28:24 doing twitter unveils new rules against
@00:28:49 twitter is coming out


@00:21:42 needs vaccines work but as we could see

Mass arrests

@00:58:38 narrative so when trump starts mass
@00:58:40 arrests we can just say hey everybody

Inspector General

@00:59:03 inspector general indicted another
@00:59:30 homeland security inspector general and


@00:51:15 hey you're a fisa court you don't like