Inside Intel: Texas National Guard, Del Rio, Border Crisis

from dnajlion7


Human trafficking

@00:05:07 is stopping child sex trafficking and
@00:05:10 human trafficking in all levels that's
@00:05:30 roundtable too about human trafficking
@00:05:44 cut off this child and human sex
@00:05:47 trafficking that's been going on on both


@00:05:07 is stopping child sex trafficking and
@00:05:10 human trafficking in all levels that's
@00:05:30 roundtable too about human trafficking
@00:05:32 and child sex trafficking and as it
@00:05:47 trafficking that's been going on on both

Deep state

@00:02:47 deep state and the threat of the


@00:03:25 prepping for an invasion from mexico