[3.26] Schumann Resonance / UFOs & Space / Unvaxxed Kids Banned from Public / Geoengineering / GMOs

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:14:15 out about a week ago robert f kennedy
@00:15:14 from robert f kennedy jr. this is just a


@00:14:48 trafficking the truth about ufos free


@00:03:06 twitter so hat tip to him and then i saw


@00:00:18 shimmered on one of those as vaccines
@00:00:23 vaccines but today we have a local
@00:12:42 we'll move on into vaccines this is
@00:14:07 learn ok now on to vaccines a lot of
@00:14:12 little bit of good news on vaccines then
@00:14:46 about vaccines the truth about
@00:15:35 people vaccines at their homes and i
@00:15:44 they gonna try to what deliver vaccines
@00:20:19 about 9/11 truth vaccines things like
@00:20:58 of stuff going on with vaccines and

Five Eyes

@00:07:28 eyes and the gwen towers and the four
@00:07:30 g's and the who knows five g's even in