QAnon - "Wendy", Hussein, and Potus Warning Shot

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:13:57 mlx cult sex trafficking the other aim
@00:15:38 well known that a lot of sex trafficking
@00:15:43 trafficking is done in the way they can


@00:03:59 comey and others and i think that


@00:26:58 learn for the first time about the awan

Deep state

@00:34:31 potus warning shot to the deep state

Spirit cooking

@00:20:26 part of a spirit cooking or satanic


@00:18:18 on alice and max a twitter account for
@00:18:28 alice and max twitter mm-hmm
@00:18:41 second-in-command allison max twitter
@00:23:08 on the twitter shot okay and what he
@00:26:18 twitter trump misspelled an insult aimed
@00:26:41 twitter a lot yeah it was going crazy so
@00:26:55 wasserman schultz trending on twitter
@00:28:26 right off of twitter so i'll need to
@00:35:52 go crazy which it did on twitter oh yeah
@00:38:48 her twitter and um and you know an

Seth Rich

@00:00:47 answer q regarding seth rich he's saying
@00:00:53 seth rich from the day before that we
@00:00:57 he says seth rich june julian assange
@00:01:10 of course the whole the whole seth rich


@00:14:02 allegedly running sex called in mexico
@00:14:45 is the mexico border slash long beach
@00:16:51 was you know she was in mexico i mean he


@00:36:38 people mkultra and then he lists a video


@00:10:13 proof the standard hotel helicopter
@00:41:47 naming names she's proof the standard