Trump, America- Here's the Big Picture Few Are Willing to See- Podcast Episode #5 (8-13-17)

from Truth and Art TV



@00:33:56 korea thing or the a we got to get iran


@00:24:04 soros and make up this what you will
@00:24:22 puppet for billionaire george soros and
@00:24:44 of george soros
@00:25:16 billionaire george soros according to
@00:29:53 if he is with george soros and now you


@00:29:01 director james comey and then they're


@00:26:12 jeff sessions as well
@00:28:14 have reported that indeed jeff sessions
@00:28:43 trump called out jeff sessions as we
@00:29:27 saying earlier you have sessions we
@00:36:41 sessions and you have these generals and

Deep state

@00:35:19 deep state we said it all along this is
@00:35:20 a deep state war people so we're looking
@00:35:24 at the other side of the deep state war

false flag

@00:36:30 they're setting up what could be a false
@00:36:33 flag


@00:11:08 probably obama's pedophile ring that

North Korea

@00:32:10 thing anyone's talking about is north
@00:32:12 korea
@00:32:17 north korea and
@00:32:35 end quote over north korea not only did
@00:32:52 regarding north korea what's that all
@00:33:01 tough on north korea you know they ever
@00:33:23 talking about is north korea why can't
@00:33:34 north korea this whole week and people i
@00:33:38 assure you this whole thing with north
@00:33:40 korea it's just another game it's just
@00:33:54 they're going to get you with the north
@00:33:56 korea thing or the a we got to get iran
@00:34:09 face that the whole thing with north
@00:34:12 korea has allowed him to increase the
@00:34:17 that because of the north korea thing
@00:34:45 north korea siop north korea is not
@00:35:31 you have this whole thing with north
@00:35:32 korea just rolling right along this week
@00:35:41 along and i'm not saying north korea is
@00:36:05 north korea psy app this week this whole
@00:36:08 north korea thing run the other way they
@00:36:19 north korea and anyone who's been
@00:36:56 on north korea and here we go again
@00:36:59 military action in north korea so this
@00:37:11 they're talking about this north korea
@00:37:40 this stuff with north korea and again
@00:38:44 sound strong north korea because if he
@00:39:40 about north korea north korea north
@00:39:42 korea and he just says loves you know
@00:39:44 they north korea does anything crazy