1-19-18 Q Update! Future Proves Past AGAIN!! Deep State Exposed!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:03:55 collection with obama there john mccain


@00:04:30 termination that being james comey of


@00:04:19 senate vote count sessions reconcile why

Deep state

@00:03:23 sorrows and a lot of the deep state the

Seth Rich

@00:08:40 this whole thing with seth rich horse
@00:08:50 regarding seth rich people it is

false flag

@00:06:42 false flag attempts and what is he
@00:07:02 well have been a setup for a false flag
@00:07:47 false flag this week there you go as if
@00:07:53 the additional false alarm in japan was
@00:08:04 so there's your false flag people and


@00:02:25 block the release of this fisa see
@00:06:05 order to gain such warrants fisa do we
@00:06:09 trust the fisa judges military


@00:03:38 sorrows and mister rothschild we have